Roanoke, Va
To the Pinko, Jack-booted Gun-Grabbers: You win. Guns80 is closing. August 23, at 3pm EST we will NO LONGER sell 80% Kits. You have violated our right to due process, creating legislation outside your authority with minimal consideration for the overwhelming negative response you received. I hope that when the need for a well regulated militia comes, there is enough left to support you.
To all of our customers, fans, followers and fellow second amendment supporters: Keep fighting the good fight. We tried to keep the fight going, and did for almost a decade. Grab what you can before it is gone. Don't let the leftists win. Thank you so much for all of your support over the years.
President Biden was joined by Attorney General Merrick Garland in the Rose Garden on Monday, April 11th to announce new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (AFT) rules on “ghost guns”, privately made firearms without serial numbers with ATF Rule 2021R-05.
The new rule has two primary parts. First, it takes aim at what the ATF calls “Privately Manufactured Firearms” or PMFs. These are guns that are built from parts kits which you can buy without an ATF background check. These parts kits come in various forms, but are not required to have serial numbers because they are not firearms, but parts of firearms. The new rule would require background checks for all parts kit including 80% lower receiver purchases.
The rule also redefines what the ATF calls a “frame” or “receiver”. Right now, 80% lower receivers can be sold with no restrictions. That’s because they are only 80% complete, and the user still needs to drill out 20% of the metal to make it functional. Even when 80% lower jigs are sold with it, it still requires the user to make the 80 lower into a functioning firearm. The new ATF rule defines an 80% lower receiver as a firearm.
In addition to background checks for gun parts kits (including 80% lower receivers), PMFs will be required to have a serial number before being sold. When you purchase a firearm, the ATF conducts a background check on you and that serial number is “linked” to you. (They claim they are not maintaining a gun registry, but that’s questionable at best). When a firearm is transferred from one party to another, the ATF background check transfers that serial number to the new owner. This way, if that firearm serial number is ever used in the commission of a crime, it can be traced back to the most recent owner.
Under the new ATF rule, all Federal Firearms License holders (FFL) are required to register PMFs by serial number with the ATF before sale or transfer. If it doesn't have a serial number, they are required to add one. Currently owned PMFs are not required to have serial numbers added unless they are sold or transferred, but any gunsmith that works on a PMF is required to add a serial number.
President Biden and ATF claim that these updates are needed because of modernization in the manufacturing process of firearms. The reason for all of the focus on ghost guns is unclear, however. Even CNN admits that ghost guns make up a small percentage of guns recovered by police each year.
Stop the Biden and ATF over reach. Stock up on polymer 80 Lowers on the link below.
80 Lowers are the truest form of Freedom from government over reach.
Welcome to our store. We are constantly expanding our product lines. Please check back frequently. Guns80 was founded in 2014 to bring affordable 80% lowers to the market.
Joseph Moulton
store owner
What is an 80% Lower?
An 80% lower is the unfinished frame of a firearm. It is the last point before the goverment considers it a firearm. The 80% lower is NOT considered a firearm.
Is an 80 percent lower legal?
You are building and finishing the weapon yourself for yourself. This makes it legal under the Gun Control Act of 1968. This is on the ATF’s website Make sure to do your own research with federal, state, and local laws before purchasing.
Can I Build an 80% Lower as a gift to my friends or family?
No, if you build one it has to be for yourself. You must be a licensed manufacturer to build the firearm for someone else.
If I purchase an 80% kit will I need more parts to finish my firearm?
No you will not need to purchase more parts but certain tools can make the process easier.
Do I need to put serial numbers on the finished 80% lower?
A licensed Manufacturer has to seriallize all firearms they make. You making a personal one is not required but you may want to put markings so it can be distinguished if it is ever stolen.
What can Law Enforcement do if they see me using my completed firearm?
As long as you are using it legally, nothing. IF they are like our local law enforcement they are gun people as well and might want you to talk about it. But if I had to guess, it would be more curiosity than anything else.
Can I make an SBR / Full Auto / other weapon?
If I am not allowed to purchase a firearm through traditional means can I own an 80%?
NO. To make your own firearm you must be legally allowed to own and purchase a firearm.
Do You Ship to New Jersey or California?
Not anymore. Don't like it? fire your governor.
How to finish a receiver.
What tools work best for finishing a receiver?
We suggest that you have a drill press and a x y table with a vice to finish the lowers. There are some that say it can be done with a rotary tool, but it is not suggested. You can also use a milling machine, or rent time at a local machine shop. You may also want to have a few files to clean up the lower when you are finished.
What size drill bits and milling bit are suggested for finishing the AR-15 lower?
5/16" End Mill (For milling out fire control pocket) 5/16" Drill Bit (Trigger hole) 3/8" Drill Bit (Saftey selector switch) 5/32" Drill Bit (Trigger pin and Hammer pin)
They say it a first draft but a lot of good information.
Aluminum AR-15 80% Lower
Video AR-15 80% Lower Finishing Part II (4:51)
This is another great educational video. This has good tips on how to complete an aluminum 80% lower.
How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver
Video How to Build an AR-15 Lower Receiver (19:01)
How to put together your lower receiver. Just like a gunsmith. With lots of tools.
How to Build an AR-15 Upper Receiver
Video How to Build an AR-15 Upper Receiver (28:55)
How to put together your upper receiver. With a little help from Midway. Not trying to sell tools or anything....
Ar-15 BCG Breakdown and assembly
Video How to Breakdown and assembly your BCG (2:05)
All the basic info you need about your BCG